Selected Talks
(Full list in CV)
- Fernández-Castro, V. & Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (forthcoming 2025, Feb 20). Neurodiversity and Cognitive Disability in Ability-based Mental Health [Invited presentation]. American Philosophical Association.
- Ballesteros, V., Fernández-Castro, V., & Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (forthcoming 2024, Oct 30-31). It doesn’t feel like myself: a mindshaping view on self-illness ambiguity [Oral presentation]. 3rd Too Mad To Be True Conference. Ghent, Belgium.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. & Fernández-Castro, V. (forthcoming 2024, Oct 18-19, 25-26). Self-Regulation, Mental Health, and The Challenge of Normativity [Oral presentation]. 2nd Annual Web Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of the Sciences of the Mind. Online.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. & Fernández-Castro, V. (forthcoming 2024, Oct 16-17). TBA [Invited presentation]. International Workshop “Conceptual analysis and other philosophical methods in the Cognitive Sciences and Psychiatry”. Rijeka, Croatia.
- Fernández-Castro, V. & Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (forthcoming 2024, Oct 15). La Neurodiversidad como desafío a la concepción ideal de la mente. In Mesa Redonda: ¿Clínica o metaclínica? Fenomenología y neurodiversidad [Invited Symposium]. Congreso Internacional “La comprensión del pathos: perspectivas críticas. Retos contemporáneos del sufrimiento psíquico”. Granada, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. & Fernández-Castro, V. (forthcoming 2024, Oct 9-11). Non-Ideal Mindedness, Self-Regulation, and Cognitive Diversity [Invited presentation]. International Workshop “New Perspectives on Neurodivergence: The Epistemic, Political, and Ethical Dimensions of Conceiving Differences versus Deficits”. Bayreuth, Germany.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2024, Jul 16-19). La psiquiatría crítica y el carácter (doblemente) evaluativo de los trastornos mentales. In L. Delgado-Verges & M. Núñez de Prado-Gordillo (Chairs) Nuevas Aproximaciones a la Salud Mental y la Neurodiversidad desde la Filosofía de la Mente [Symposium]. XI Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Oviedo, Spain.
- Fernández-Castro, V. & Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2024, Jul 16-19). Non-Ideal Minds [Oral presentation]. XI Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Oviedo, Spain.
- Fernández-Castro, V. & Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2024, Jul 5). Cognitive Diversity and Non-Ideal Philosophy of Mind [Invited presentation]. Valencia Colloquium in Philosophy. Valencia Philosophy Lab, University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. & Fernández-Castro, V. (2024, Jul 2-5). Mental Non-Factualism and Non-Ideal Mindedness [Oral presentation]. 31st Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP 2024). Grenoble, France.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. & Fernández-Castro, V. (2024, Jun 25-27). Non-Ideal Minds in 4E Mental Health [Oral presentation]. Workshop Analytic Philosophy and E-Cognition. University of Granada. Granada, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2024, May 23-25). Mental Disorders as Doubly Value-Laden: from Szaszianism to Expressivism [Oral presentation]. 25th Conference of the International Network for Philosophy & Psychiatry. Vienna, Austria.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. & Fernández-Castro, V. (2024, May 23-25). Neurodiversity and Non-Ideal Mindedness: An Expressivist Approach [Oral presentation]. 25th Conference of the International Network for Philosophy & Psychiatry. Vienna, Austria.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., & Fernández-Castro. (2024, April 9). Expresivismo y neurodiversidad: Hacia una filosofía de la mente no idealizada. METIS Research Seminar [Invited presentation]. Complutense University of Madrid. Madrid, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., & Kalis, A. (2024, Mar 28). Beyond Belief? Delusions and the Regulative Account of Folk Psychology [Invited presentation]. Utrecht Lectures on Topics In Mind and Action (ULTIMA) [Invited presentation]. Utrecht University. Utrecht, Netherlands.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., & Kalis, A. (2024, Feb 7). Believe it or not: Dispositionalism and the Regulative Approach to Delusions [Invited presentation]. Philosophy & Psychiatry Sessions. Amsterdam/Nijmegen, Netherlands.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. & Almagro-Holgado, M. (forthcoming 2023, Nov 23-24). Mindshaping dispositionalism to defend doxasticism about delusions [Paper presentation]. 5th Philosophy of Language and Mind Network Masterclass with Professor Elisabeth Pacherie. University of Lisbon. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., & Fernández-Castro, V. (2023, Oct 5). A Non-Idealized Philosophy of Mind for Neurodiversity [Paper presentation]. 2nd Workshop Mental Health and Normativity: Metaphysics and (In)Justice. University of Granada. Granada, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., & López-Silva, P. A. (2023, March 6-8). 4E Cognition Approaches to Mental Health: A Review [Paper presentation]. 4th International Conference on Philosophy of Mind. Catholic University of Portugal. Braga, Portugal.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2023, January 19). 4E Mental Health [Invited presentation]. Lisbon Mind, Cognition & Knowledge Group Visiting Researcher Seminar (ArgLab, IFILNOVA), Nova University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Fernández-Castro, V., & Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2022, December 14-16). Expressivism on Mental Disorders [Paper presentation]. X Congress of the Spanish Society of Analytic Philosophy, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Díaz-Piedra, C., Liedo, B., Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Caurcel, M. J., Di Stasi, L. L. (2022, November 14-17). Ethical and legal challenges of automated driving: The prioritization of socio-political values [Poster presentation]. Transport Research Arena 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Di Stasi, L. L., Díaz-Piedra, C., Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Angioi, F., & Costa Fernandes, M. A. (2022, October 27-28). Proyecto HADRIAN, un caso de uso sobre recogida y gestión de grandes cantidades de datos sensibles [Invited presentation]. Congreso Internacional “Los mercados de datos y sus retos en la UE”, Granada, Spain.
- Fernández-Castro, V., & Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2021, November 16-19). Mental Disorders, Values and Expressivism. In V. Fernández-Castro & M. Núñez de Prado-Gordillo (Chairs) Nature and normativity in mental health [Symposium]. X Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Salamanca, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. & Almagro-Holgado, M. (2021, November 16-19). Yet another defense of doxasticism about delusions [Paper presentation]. X Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Salamanca, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Alonso-Vega, J., Pereira, G. L., de Pascual-Verdú, R., Norheim, T. (2021, November, 8-12). Lo “mental” en salud mental: filosofía de la mente y modelos terapéuticos. In M. X. Froxán-Parga (Chair) Avances en el estudio de la interacción verbal en el contexto clínico [Invited Symposium]. VIII Seminario Internacional sobre Comportamiento y Aplicaciones (SINCA). Ciudad de México, México / Online.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2021, Octubre 27). El debate sobre el estatus doxástico de los delirios [Invited presentation]. Seminario Permanente de Formación en Investigación, Valparaíso, Chile / Online.
- Almagro-Holgado, M., & Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2021, August 30-September 2). Doxasticism towards delusions and contextual first-person authority [Paper presentation]. 28th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP 2021), Leipzig, Germany / Online.
- Gambara, H., Nieto, M. D., Durán, I., Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Quirós, M., Castro, Y., Mejía, A., & Montero, I. (2021, February 23-25). Desarrollo, Aplicación y Evaluación de una Herramienta Interactiva para Trabajar los Conceptos de Selección Aleatoria y Asignación Aleatoria en el Aula [Poster presentation]. VI Semana de la Innovación Docente UAM, Madrid, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2021, January 30). Antidescriptivismo y análisis de la conducta: aplicación de un marco teórico común para el avance en la intervención sobre delirios [Invited presentation]. Chapter online “Análisis de la conducta”, Instituto de Terapias Cognitivo Conductuales (ITECOC), Acapulco, México / Online.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2020, November 4). A nondescriptivist approach to doxasticism about delusions [Invited presentation]. Agency Team Seminar, Institut Jean-Nicod, Département d’Etudes Cognitives, École Normale Supérieure Paris, Paris, France.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2020, September 23). Una aproximación antidescriptivista a la noción de creencia y su uso en la evaluación e intervención psicológicas sobre el delirio [Paper presentation]. V Seminario Anual de Doctorado Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
- Alonso-Vega, J., Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., & Froxán-Parga, M. X. (2019, October 3-5). Análisis de conducta y sociedad. In Análisis de conducta y sociedad [Symposium]. VIII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad para el Avance del Estudio Científico del Comportamiento (SAVECC), Madrid, Spain
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., de Pascual-Verdú, R., Trujillo-Sánchez, C., Norheim, T. G., & Froxán-Parga, M. X. (2019, July 2-5). Historical review of the concept of hallucination [Poster presentation]. XVI European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia.
- Alonso-Vega, J., Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Ávila-Herrero, I., Arias, S., Froxán-Parga, M. X., & Serrador-Díez, C. (2019, May 23-27). Single case design meta-analysis and applied behavior analysis [Poster presentation]. 45th Annual Convention Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, United States.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2019, May 9-10). Towards an anti-descriptivist account of delusions and hallucinations [Paper presentation]. 1st Beyond the Brain International Conference. Reconceptualizing Mental Disorders, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Alonso-Vega, J., Arias de Benito, S., Ávila-Herrero, I., Norheim, T. G., & Froxán-Parga, M. X. (2019, April 25-27). Meta-analysis of FBA-based interventions for the treatment of delusional, hallucinatory and disorganized vocalizations [Poster presentation]. 26th International Symposium on Current Issues and Controversies in Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., de Pascual-Verdú, R., Galván-Domínguez, N., & Campo, J. M. (2018, October 25-28). La determinación de los medios y los fines en terapia. In R. de Pascual-Verdú (Chair), Conducta verbal y terapia: El lenguaje como herramienta de cambio terapéutico [Invited symposium]. 11th International and 16th National Congress of Clinical Psychology, Granada, Spain.
- Froxán-Parga, M. X. & Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M. (2018, October 25-28). Análisis funcional de la interacción verbal en la clínica psicológica. In J. Virués-Ortega (Chair), El análisis y modificación del lenguaje en contextos aplicados: de la intervención analítico-funcional en autismo a la psicoterapia de adultos [Invited symposium]. 11th International and 16th National Congress of Clinical Psychology, Granada, Spain
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Alonso-Vega, J., Campos, J. M., & Froxán-Parga, M. X. (2018, October 18-20). Intervenciones basadas en el Análisis Funcional para el tratamiento de verbalizaciones atípicas. In Análisis de conducta aplicado en clínica [Symposium]. VII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad para el Avance del Estudio Científico del Comportamiento (SAVECC), Málaga, Spain.
- Alonso-Vega, J., Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Álvarez-Iglesias, A., & Froxán-Parga, M. X. (2018, October 18-20). Meta-análisis de diseños de caso único y el análisis de conducta aplicado. In Análisis de conducta aplicado en clínica [Symposium]. VII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad para el Avance del Estudio Científico del Comportamiento (SAVECC), Málaga, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Pereira, G., Ricote, A., & Froxán-Parga, M. X. (2018, September 5-8). A conceptual analysis of the notion of mental disease in the biopsychosocial model. In M. X. Froxán-Parga (Chair), The cognitive behavioral model in the 21st century: a critical analysis [Symposium]. 48th Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., De Pascual-Verdú, R., Estal-Muñoz, V., Saiz-Galdós, J., & Froxán-Parga, M. X. (2018, April 19-21). Conceptual analysis of the theoretical underpinnings of the “disease model”-based anti-stigma campaigns [Poster presentation]. 25th International Symposium on Current Issues and Controversies in Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Beggio, G., Pereira, G. L., & Froxán-Parga, M. X. (2018, April 19-21). Formal and argumentative fallacies of the biomedical model [Poster presentation]. 25th International Symposium on Current Issues and Controversies in Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Ruiz-Sancho, E., & Cortines, A. (2017, November 16-19). El problema mente-cuerpo y la fundamentación filosófica de la praxis clínica. In M. X. Froxán-Parga (Chair), Análisis de los problemas conceptuales en la clínica psicológica [Invited symposium]. 10th International Congress and 15th National of Clinical Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., Alonso-Vega, J., de Pascual-Verdú, R., Trujillo, C. & Froxán-Parga, M. X. (2017, October 5-7). Análisis conceptual del delirio [Paper presentation]. VI Congreso de la Sociedad para el Avance del Estudio Científico del Comportamiento (SAVECC), Sevilla, Spain.
- Froxán-Parga, M.X., Núñez de Prado-Gordillo, M., de Pascual-Verdú, R. & Estal, V. (2017, September 13-16). Cognitive techniques and language [Poster presentation]. 47th Congress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- 2024. Organizer Symposium Nuevas Aproximaciones a la Salud Mental y la Neurodiversidad desde Filosofía de la Mente (with Laura Delgado-Verges), XI Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Oviedo, Spain (forthcoming 16-19 Jul 2021).
- 2024. Scientific Committee of the Workshop Analytic Philosophy and E-Cognition. Granada, Spain (forthcoming 25-27 Jun 2024).
- 2023-2024. Organizer Utrecht Lectures on Topics In Mind and Action (ULTIMA). Utrecht, Netherlands (Sep 2023 – Jun 2024).
- 2023. Co-chair 2nd Workshop Mental Health and Normativity: Metaphysics and (In)Justice (with Virginia Ballesteros & Víctor Fernández Castro). Granada, Spain (5-6 Oct 2023).
- 2023. Organizer Philosophy & Psychiatry Talk Series 2023 (with Víctor Fernández Castro). Online, Jan-Dec 2023.
- 2021. Organizer Symposium Nature and Normativity in Mental Health at the X Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Salamanca, Spain (16-19 Nov 2021). (Note: It could not be finally celebrated due to COVID-19 and Brexit-related difficulties).
- 2019. Organizing Committee of the VIII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad para el Avance del Estudio Científico del Comportamiento (SAVECC). Madrid, Spain (3-5 Oct 2019).
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